Join us for the first FREE digital livestream of the groundbreaking performance in a Virtual Earth Day celebration on April 22 at 5 p.m. EDT. The digital premiere is followed by a live discussion with BELLA GAIA founder Kenji Williams and astronaut Ron Garan, author of “The Orbital Perspective” and the upcoming, “Floating in Darkness.”
As we navigate the current cultural and ecological shifts, BELLA GAIA is turning its canceled shows into a gift for the world to share a new planetary vision of unity for humanity. The 20-minute family-friendly concert will celebrate the awe and wonder of witnessing the Earth from orbit, guided by the live vocals of BELLA GAIA Ensemble artist Kristin Hoffmann, and Sufi Whirling of Lale Sayoko. A special interactive 20-minute Q&A with astronaut Ron Garan will follow the livestream.
“The only way we can get through this crisis is to come together as a functioning planetary community, said astronaut and fighter pilot, Ron Garan. “Once we do that, our unity will enable us to tackle any crisis we face.”
BELLA GAIA digital premier (FREE!)
Wednesday April 22nd, 5pm EDT, 2pm Pacific
Streamed at:
The event is made possible by CultureNet, BELLA GAIA, and the SINE network.
"BELLA GAIA is wonderful and timely in light of the planetary crisis we are facing" - Sting