Earth’s Indigenous People hereby invite you to the LiveHOPE Telefest, a grassroots celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day called Earth Day Everyday on April 25, 2020, from 11 am – 11 pm EST. This is to show people that Earth Day is not only one day but can be celebrated every day. #EarthDayEveryday.
“Indigenous people are our only hope for survival”, Noam Chomsky
Musicians, artists, celebrities, comedians, and speakers will bring the world together to deal with some of the greatest crises facing humanity: COVID-19, climate change, poverty, joblessness, and the destruction of our environment. The LiveHOPE Telefest is a charity telethon for the benefit of American hospitals affected by COVID-19. There is a shortage of medical supplies for healthcare workers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 outbreak. Money raised will be used to buy masks, ventilators and personal protection equipment for doctors, nurses, first responders, healthcare workers and victims of COVID-19. It is time to give back to the people on the frontlines putting their lives on the line for us. The USA needs 960,000 ventilators and 1 billion N95 masks in the next 6 months. We will get through this together, but we need your help.